A Baptist-Methodist Ecumenical Church in Leicester
News about recent happenings at Christchurch.
Christmas is coming
We can’t hold services but we are still celebrating the season of Advent, when we look forward to the birth of Christ on Christmas Day.
Back in the Worship Centre
This morning we were able to hold a service in the Worship Centre again for the first time. Comfortable seats instead of hard plastic chairs! During September we’ve been holding Sunday services in the hall while some water damage from a leak in the roof was dealt with. The roof has now been repaired, although some re-plastering is still needed…
Sunday services resume
After a successful trial run last Sunday, we will be holding a service every Sunday morning again (unless a local lockdown intervenes). The timetable for restarting other activities is still very uncertain but this is a welcome beginning. There is more information about services here.
Welcome to our new minister
Our new Methodist minister, Rev Debra Chidakwa Akue, joined us at the beginning of September. Having just returned from abroad she is having to self-isolate. Debra will preach at the Sunday morning service on 6th September by pre-recording a video. We are very much looking forward to being able to greet her properly in a couple of weeks (but a…
Visit Rev John Rackley’s blog
Rev John Rackley, our associate Baptist minister, has re-started his own blog at windingquest.wordpress.com This is how he introduces himself. Life is a bridge. Cross over it but build no home on it. Bruce Chatwin Songlines 1982 I grew up in a fishing community in Devon UK from generations of sea-farers going back over 200 years. I have worked as…
Worshiping at home
Like everywhere else, there was no service at Christchurch this morning but the church was open for private prayer and about a dozen people came along. (Some may also have come to get supplies from the Traidcraft stall!) The Methodist Church is streaming services from Wesley’s Chapel in London, and I followed the service this morning at 11 am, which…
Sing4Syria raised £630
The Sing4Syria concert at Christchurch last Thursday raised £630. This was organised by the Leicester Uni branch of UNICEF on Campus with several local choirs taking part. The donations will fund Unicef’s work with children and displaced families in Syria. Many thanks to all who came to the concert and gave donations.