Ministers' Blog

Practising the Christian Way

Barbara Brown Taylor is a North American non-stipendiary priest who has written a number of books about avoiding the pitfalls of organised religion and letting our spirituality guide our Christian Faith. In An Altar in the World she lays out twelve practices which can help us make a pathway of faith in daily life. They are

VISION – by which she means Waking up to God

REVERENCE – by which she means Paying Attention

INCARNATION – by which she means Wearing Skin

GROUNDEDNESS – by which she means Walking on the Earth

WILDERNESS – by which she means Getting Lost

COMMUNITY – by which she means Encountering Others

VOCATION – by which she means Living with Purpose

SABBATH – by which she means Saying No

PHYSICAL LABOUR – by which she means Carrying Water

BREAKTHROUGH – by which she means Feeling Pain

PRAYER – by which she means Being Present to God

BENEDICTION – by which she means Pronouncing Blessings

This may sound all a bit too North American. However she is attempting to take various religious practises which we may only associate with people who go to church and transferring them into lifestyle choices that build altars of hope and trust beyond the walls of any church or religion for that matter.

Rev John Rackley