Sunday mornings
Sunday Evenings
Saturday Prayer Breakfasts
Sunday Mornings
Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10.00 am.
Services are held both in the Worship Centre and in the hall (usually the first and third Sundays of the month, indicated in the sidebar on the right), those in the hall having a more informal style: refreshments are served at the start of the service and the congregation sit in groups around tables. In place of a sermon the groups discuss topics introduced by the leader.
When the service is in the Worship Centre refreshments are served after the service.
The Fair and Ethical Trade Stall is open in the atrium after the service for the sale of fairly-traded goods.
Sunday Evenings
There are occasional gatherings on Sunday evenings at 6 pm for discussion and fellowship. The next series will start on 29th September, using the booklet “Talking of God Together” from the Methodist Church. This will be followed in the new year with “Talking of God with Others.”
Saturday Prayer Breakfasts
Prayer breakfasts are held once a month from 9.15 to 10.15 on Saturday mornings. Everyone is welcome come along. The dates of the next few are in the sidebar on the right, usually the last Saturday of the month (on a phone, scroll down).
Sunday mornings
10.00 – 11.00 am
*: asterisk indicates service is in the Hall
HC: service includes Holy Communion
8th: Rev Andrew Farrington, HC
15th*: Jenny Whillis, CreationTide
22nd: Rev John Rackley, Harvest Festival
29th: Oscar Fortune
6th*: Rev Andrew Farrington
13th: Rev John Rackley, HC
20th*: Sue Sharman & Laura Johnson
27th: Rev John Rackley
3rd*: Rev Andrew Farrington
10th: Rev John Rackley
17th*: Rev Ivan Bennett
24th: Rev John Rackley, HC
Sunday evenings
Discussion group meeting at 6 pm.
New dates to be arranged in the autumn.
Prayer breakfasts
Saturdays at 9.15 am for an hour. The next dates are:
28th September