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New weekday drop-in

Hope Hub, a new weekday drop-in, is starting every Thursday morning from 8.30am to 2pm. There will be free refreshments – coffee, tea, biscuits and toast – and light lunches (e.g. soup and rolls). Visitors can relax and chat, read a newspaper, play board games, and use the free WiFi. We look forward to meeting our neighbours in Clarendon Park…

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A Taste of Faith

Updated with more sessions… A great introduction to a world faith tradition from a faith practitioner, with religious artefacts and food associated with religious festivals or places. In previous sessions have heard about Sikhism and Hinduism. Three new sessions have now been arranged on Wednesday evenings at Christchurch from 7.30 to 9.00 pm Paganism, 14th February Judaism, 6th March Islam,…

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Living with faith

Faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen. These words from the letter to the Hebrews were the basis of one of the first sermons I prepared. In my youthful way I used the bible as a sort of resource book and enjoyed finding definitions that would help me understand its ideas. Faith seemed a…

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